Application of phosphate in dairy products
Phosphate is used as a stabilizer and emulsifier for UHT-sterilized milk, cream products, condensed milk, milk powder, coffee mate, milk beverage, cheese products, and its functions are:
a. Buffering and pH stabilization;
b. Interaction with protein: disperse food ingredients, stabilize the emulsification system, enhance the ability of casein to bind water, and effectively prevent protein, fat and water separation;
c. Chelating polyvalent metal ions greatly reduces protein agglutination and precipitation during heating and storage, thereby improving the thermal stability and storage stability of milk. And can effectively delay the occurrence of lactose coagulation.
Dairy product:
Milk is not just for small children. Milk and whey products are also essential in the daily diet of adults. A healthy glass of milk a day, or other chocolate drinks have plenty of dairy products.
From production to storage, milk and dairy products go through many stages of processing. Phosphate additives can prevent mass loss during production while improving shelf life and consistency. For decades, phosphate additives have played an important role as stabilizers, acidity regulators, separating agents and mineral additives.
Milk is a fast-perishable food. Once milked, it needs to be cooled or handled quickly. To ensure its shelf life, various heat treatment processes are required. The addition of phosphate prevents milk and whey protein and mineral salts from solidifying (i.e. coagulation) when heated. They also act as buffers, stabilizing the pH at the desired level. This is an important function because the decrease in pH extracts the calcium from the milk structure - if the milk is heated, the protein will coagulate.
Process optimization:
A problem often encountered in the processing of milk and whey products - the precipitation of protein components and mineral salts.
Calcium and magnesium salts in milk processing, once settled, they act as an insulating layer on the thermal contact surface of the device, affecting its efficiency. By adding the right phosphate, this effect is reduced. The operating time of this equipment is greatly extended, which not only benefits the product quality, but also benefits the production process itself.
Cheese products:
Before eating it, cheese needs to be softened before it can be spread in a variety of other delicious dishes. The phosphate additive emulsified salts play an important role in this.
Processed cheese is much more delicious than simple cheese. For health-conscious consumers, low-sodium cheese or cheese rich in various minerals and dietary fiber is popular, with phosphate additives with solubility and anti-caking properties.
Adjust the pH 
The desired pH of the final product is adjusted using the correct acids and salts of alkaline pH.
This method of pH regulation and buffering of emulsified salts supports ion exchange and completely open protein structure, through which the free-flowing emulsion of proteins, fats and water is prevented during heating. Homogeneous and stable cheese emulsion is the basis for the texture, quality and mouthfeel of processed cheese.