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STMP-Sodium Trimetaphosphate application in plasterboard production processing
Sodium Trimetaphosphate application in plasterboard production processing
    Gypsum board production raw materials to add sodium trimetaphosphate, can make the gypsum board light and can enhance the strength and toughness of the gypsum board, should not be deformed, enhance waterproofing capacity.

Sodium Trimetaphosphate (STMP) is used in the production of plasterboard, also known as gypsum board or drywall. It is added to a gypsum slurry during the manufacturing process. The STMP can be added at the same time as foam is added to the gypsum slurry through the foam waterline, or it can be added at the same time as additional water is added to the gypsum slurry through the gauging waterline. 

STMP can be added to either or both waterlines in its dry form or in a diluted solution. This method of adding STMP to gypsum slurries makes the process more efficient and effective.
In terms of its function, STMP plays a crucial role in improving the strength of the plasterboard and mitigating creep. This makes it an important component in the production of high-quality plasterboard.

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