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Human Nutrition Phosphate
TCP-Tri Calicium Phosphate-E 341(iii)
Food additive application-E 341(iii)
It is a food additive,made from a calcium salt of phosphoric acid. Tri calcium Phosphate is frequently used in the food industry as an additive in powdered spices, and acts as an anti-caking agent.It is sometimes used as a    rising agent. It adds smoothness and opacity to reduced fat liquids and foods. It is use to increase calcium levels in dairy products and       in juice. Tricalcium Phosphate is used in candy, wine,beverages,cheese,and jams.
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Product Detail
Food grade TCP-Tri calcium Phosphate-E 341(iii)
Molecular formula:Ca5(OH) (PO4)3
CAS Number:7758-87-4
It is a mixture composed by different calcium phosphate.It is white amorphous powder, odorless, stabilizing in air. 

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay % ≥ 90.0
2 Phosphorus pentoxide% ≥ 34.0-40.0
3 Test for calcium Passes test
4 Test for phosphate Passes test
5 Arsenic, as As% ≤ 0.0001
6 Fluoride as F% ≤ 0.005
7 Aluminium %≤ 0.02
8 Lead %≤ 0.0001
9 Mercury %≤ 0.0001
10 Loss on ignition(after ignition at 800 °C ± 25 °C for 30 minutes) %≤ 8

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