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Human Nutrition Phosphate
STMP-Sodium Trimetaphosphate
Food additive application
It is used as a starch modifier in the food industry, used in flour, pastry products, etc., juice turbidity inhibitors, water preservers, water softeners, meat binds, dispersants, stabilizers (for ice cream, cheese, etc.), can prevent food discoloration and vitamin C decomposition, etc

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Product Detail
Food additive STMP-Sodium Trimetaphosphate,
Molecular formula: Na3O9P3
CAS Number:7785-84-4
White crystal powder, relative density at 2.54g/cm3, easily soluble in water, but not in alcohol.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
Special mark could be Customized


No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Sodium Trimetaphosphate(As(NaPO3)3  %≥ 95
2 Sodium Trimetaphosphate  as P2O5 %≥ 67-70
3 PH (10g/L  water solution) 6.0-9.0
4 Heavy Metal(As Pb)%≤ 0.001
5 Arsenic  %≤ 0.0003
6 Fluoride  %≤ 0.001
7 Water Insoluble %≤ 0.05
8 Lead %≤ 0.0002
9 Zinc  %≤ 0.001
10 Fe2O3  %≤ 0.002
11 Particle Size(Passing through 80 mesh) %≥ 90

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