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Human Nutrition Phosphate
SHMP-Sodium Hexametaphosphate-E452(i)
Food additive application-E452(i) 
It used as an additive, nourishing agent, quality improver, pH regulator, metal ions chelating agent, adhesive and leavening agent etc.

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Product Detail
Food additive SHMP-Sodium Hexametaphosphate-E452(i) 
Molecular formula: (NaPO3)6
CAS Number:10124-56-8
White powder,granular,glass-chip or ball; Density 2.484(20℃); soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvent; It has got strong hygroscopicity and can absorb humidity from the air to become into pasty form; It may form soluble chelates with ions of Ca, Ba, Mg, Cu, Fe etc. and is a good water treatment chemical.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
Special mark could be Customized


No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Total phosphates (as P2O5)% ≥ 60-71
2 PH Value(1% solution) 3.0-9.0
3 Arsenic (As)% ≤ 0.0001
4 Fluoride (as F) % ≤ 0.001
5 Water Insoluble matter % ≤ 0.1
6 Lead   % ≤ 0.0001
7 Test for Sodium Passes test
8 Test for phosphate Passes test
9 Loss on ignition  % ≤ 1
10 Cadmium       % ≤ 0.0001
11 Mercury   % ≤ 0.0001

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