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Human Nutrition Phosphate
MSP-Mono Sodium Phosphate(Anhydrous)
Food additive application
Anhydrous type-E339(i)

It is mainly used as buffering agent, emulsification agent, nourishment, etc.

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Product Detail
Food additive MSP-Mono Sodium Phosphate(Anhydrous)-E339(i)
Molecular formula: NaH2PO4
Other name:Sodium Phosphate Monobasic
CAS Number:7558-80-7
Anhydrous products is white powder and Semi-granular, melting point is at 190 ℃.Dihydrate products is colorless crystal, relative density at 1.915 g/cm3, melting point at 57.4℃. Freely soluble in water. Insoluble in ethanol or ether

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay  %≥ 97.0
2 P2O5 %≥ 58.0-60.0
3 Arsenic %≤ 0.0001
4 Fluoride %≤ 0.001
5 Water Insoluble matter %≤ 0.2
6 Lead %≤ 0.0001
7 Cadmium 0.0001
8 Mercury %≤ 0.0001
9 Loss on Drying(NaH2PO4) 2.0
10 Test for sodium Passes test
11 Test for Phosphate Passes test

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