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Human Nutrition Phosphate
DCP-DiCalcium Phosphate(Anhydrous/2H2O)
Food additive application

In food industry, it is used as leavening agent, dough modifier, buffer, nutritional supplement, emulsifier, and stabilizer e.g. it is applied as leavening agent for flour, cake, pastry, bakery, as quality modifier for bread, and fried food. Also be applied in biscuit, milk powder, drinks, ice cream as nutrient supplement or quality improver. In pharmaceutical industry, it is often used as an additive in the producing of Calcium Tablet or other tablets. In daily chemical industry-toothpaste, it is used as friction agent.

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Product Detail
Food additive DCP-Di Calcium Phosphate(Anhydrous/Dihydrate)
Molecular formula: CaHPO4/CaHPO4·2H2O 
CAS Number: 7757-93-9/7789-77-7
White and odorless powder; it is soluble in diluted Hydrochloric Acid, Nitric Acid and Acetic Acid; slightly soluble in water but insoluble in Ethanol; stable in air; its relative density is: 2.32

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
Special mark could be Customized

No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay % ≥ 98.0-102.0
2 Phosphorus pentoxide% ≥ 50-52.5
3 Test for calcium Passes test
4 Test for phosphate Passes test
5 Arsenic, as As% ≤ 0.0001
6 Fluoride as F% ≤ 0.001
7 Aluminium %≤ 0.01
8 Lead %≤ 0.0001
9 Mercury %≤ 0.0001
10 Loss on ignition %≤ 8.5

No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay % ≥ 98.0-102.0
2 Phosphorus pentoxide% ≥ 50-52.5
3 Test for calcium Passes test
4 Test for phosphate Passes test
5 Arsenic, as As% ≤ 0.0001
6 Fluoride as F% ≤ 0.001
7 Aluminium %≤ 0.008
8 Lead %≤ 0.0001
9 Mercury %≤ 0.0001
10 Loss on ignition %≤ 26.5

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