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Reagent Application Phosphate
Analytical reagent TSP-Tri Sodium Phosphate-12H2O
Analytical reagent
Dodecahydrate type 

It is used as water softener,photographic developer

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Product Detail
Analytical reagent TSP-Tri Sodium Phosphate-Dodecahydrate type
Molecular formula:Na3PO4-12H2O

CAS Number: 10101-89-0

White or colorless crystals, efflorescent in air, easily soluble in water but not in organic solution. Its water solution is alkaline. PH value of 1% solution is 12.1, relative density at 1.62g/cm3, melting point is 73.4 ℃.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No Specifications Analytical Reagent
1 Assay   %≥ 98.0
2 Appearance of Solution ≤ Qualified
3 Free alkali(As NaOH ) % 1.5
4 Disodium salt(As Na2HPO4·12H2O )%≤ 0.5
5 Chloride(As Cl )%≤ 0.005
6 Sulphate(SO4)%≤ 0.01
7 Nitrogen(N)%≤ 0.002
8 Arsenic(As), %≤ 0.0003
9 Iron(Fe),%≤ 0.0005
10 Heavy Metal(As Pb ),%≤ 0.001

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