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Reagent Application Phosphate
Analytical reagent MKP-Mono Potassium Phosphate
Analytical reagent
MKP-Mono Potassium Phosphate is used as buffer solution,As,Sb,Phosphate,Ai,Fe determination,Phosphate solution standards,Medium,Inorganic Phosphorus value in blood serum,ACP activity

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Product Detail
Analytical reagent MKP-Mono Potassium Phosphate
Molecular formula: KH2PO4
CAS Number: 7778-77-0
White or colorless crystal,free flowing, easily soluble in water, relative density at 2.338 g/cm3, melting point at 252.6℃  , and PH value of 1% solution is 4.5.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No. Specifications Guaranteed Reagent
1 AssayKH2PO4       %≥ 99.5
2 PHValue(50g/L,25℃) 4.2-4.5
3 Appearance of Solution≤ 2
4 Water Insoluble %≤ 0.002
5 Loss on drying %≤ 0.2
6 Chloride(Cl) %≤ 0.001
7 Sulphate(SO4) %≤ 0.003
8 Nitrogen(N) %≤ 0.001
9 Arsenic(As) %≤ 0.0005
10 Sodium(Na) %≤ 0.02
11 Iron(Fe) %≤ 0.001
12 Heavy Metal(As Pb)  %≤ 0.001

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