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Plant Nutrition Phosphate
Amino Acid Series
100% Water soluble fertilizer
Used as foliar fertilizer, irrigation fertilizer and water flush fertilizer
Mix with powder and liquid form Calcium, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn, B, Mo
Mix with powder and liquid form seaweed, humic acid and fulvic acid
Mix with powder and liquid form NPK

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Product Detail
Amino Acid Series
Molecular formula: RCHNH2COOH

CAS Number:65072-01-7
Light yellow powder,100% Water Soluble

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
Special mark could be Customized

Enzymatic hydrolyze amino acid 80%

H2SO4 Hydrolysis amino acid 60%-Chloride-free
H2SO4 Hydrolysis amino acid 40%-Chloride-free
HCL Hydrolysis amino acid 70%
HCL Hydrolysis amino acid 50%
HCL Hydrolysis amino acid 40%
Amino acid Chelated with Fe.Ca.Cu.Zn.Mn.

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