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Plant Nutrition Phosphate
NOP-Potassium Nitrate
100% Water soluble fertilizer
Ideal fertilizer for fustigation and foliar sprays, Contains only nitrate form nitrogen which can be taken up by plants easily, High content of potassium helps improving fruit size and color; High quality raw material for NPK fertilizer, Free of chloride, sodium and other harmful elements for plants.
For industry application, NOP can be used in glass industry, engineering industry, pharmaceutical industry and ceramic industry.
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Product Detail
NOP-Potassium Nitrate
Molecular formula: KNO3
CAS Number:7757-79-1
White crystal powder,soluble in water, no turbid, very clear water solution, Pure white uniform crystalline, no caking, free flowing,

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay                  % ≥ 99.0
2 TOTAL NITROGEN (N-NO3) % ≥ 13.5
3 K2O % ≥ 46.0
4 Insoluble material % ≤ 0.1
5 Moisture % ≤ 0.2
6 Cl % ≤ 0.02
7 Sulphate (SO4) % ≤ 0.02
8 Fe % ≤ 0.005

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