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Plant Nutrition Phosphate
DKP-Di Potassium Phosphate-3H2O type
100% water soluble fertilzier
Trihydrate type

It is used in medicine and ferment industry , animalcule , Bacteria culture medium , PH buffering agents.As K source to produce liquid fertilizer.

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Product Detail
Di Potassium Phosphate-3H2O type
Molecular formula:K2HPO4-3H2O

CAS Number:16788-57-1
White crystal, easily soluble in water,slightly soluble in alcohol.

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Assay                   % ≥ 97.5
2 Phosphorus pentoxide     % ≥ 30.2
3 Potassium oxide (K2O)     % ≥ 40.2
4 PH value (10g/L solution) 9.0-9.4
5 Heavy metal, as Pb          % ≤ 0.005
6 Arsenic, as As                  % ≤ 0.01
7 Fluoride as F                    % ≤ 0.002
8 Water insoluble               % ≤ 0.02
9 Fe  % ≤ 0.003
10 Cl  % ≤ 0.05

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