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Animal Nutrition Phosphate
Blended Phosphates for feed supplement
Blended Phosphates for feed supplement

BP-F is a phosphorus supplement formulated for further manufacture of livestock feed.
Which is applied as phosphate nutrition additive in manufacture granular feed. Phosphorus is the main component of bones and teeth, but also the main component of nucleoprotein and various enzymes in animals, involved in glucose, fat, protein metabolism, animal phosphorus deficiency will lead to calcium in cartilage precipitation obstruction, causing abnormal tooth development, osteoporosis or softening, loss of appetite, heterophilia, paralysis and other diseases.

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Product Detail
Food additive Blended Phosphates for feed supplement
White free flowing powder.risk to caking
Packing :25 kgs kraft paper bag
Loading:25 kgs on pallet: 22 MT/20’FCL; Un-palletized:25MT/20’FCL
Shelf life:24 months

No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Total Phosphorus(P) >26.0%
2 Sodium (Na) >19.3%
3 Fluoride(F) <0.001
4 Iron(Fe) <0.001
5 Sulfur(S) <0.01
6 Arsenic(As) <0.0003
7 Lead(Pb) <0.0002
8 Mercury(Hg) <0.0001
9 Cadmium(Cd) <0.0001


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