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Animal Nutrition Phosphate
MDCP-Mono-Di Calcium Phosphate 21%
Feed additive application
It is used as a food supplement for livestock and poultry, as a restorative for mineral deficiencies (phosphorous and calcium) in a diet.It facilitates the metabolism of livestock and poultry, strengthening their bone structure, immune and reproductive systems      

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Product Detail
Feed additive MDCP-Mono-Di Calcium Phosphate 21%
Molecular formula: CaHPO4.2H2O + Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O
CAS Number: 10031-30-8 + 7789-77-7

White powder – semi granular form, Density, t/m3: 0.95 – 1.05

25 kgs bag,1000 kgs,1100 kgs, 1200 kgs jumbo bag,
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No. Specifications Guaranteed Standard
1 Total Phosphorus (P) >21.0 %
2 Relative solubility of Phosphorus in Citric Acid 2% >90 %
3 (P) Water-Soluble Phosphorus >60.0 %
4 Calcium,Ca >14.0%
5 Fluorine,F <0.18%
6 Arsenic, As <10 PPM
7 Lead,Pb <10 PPM
  Chromium(Cr) <30 PPM
8 Cadmium,Cd <10 PPM
9 Moisture <4%
10 PH content(2.4g/L) 3.5-4.6
11 Particle size:Through 2 mm >90%

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